Monday, July 5, 2010

Welcome!! :)

Hey all! So, this is the first blog that I have ever done.. and I am sure that that will become more and more evident as I continue to post new entries. However, I will certainly try my best to keep this entertaining, updating and real.

Recently, a friend of mine showed me a blog she started back in 2007 when she was pregnant with her first child. She tracked monumental moments in her pregnancy, her feelings, pictures and many other elements of her life. Once the baby was born, her blog quickly filled with details of her new son's life and all of the new discoveries they were making together. The pictures and stories made me laugh out loud, giggle, smile and even sometimes cry. After reading through the first year, I became inspired to begin a blog of my own. My hope is that this blog will help me track through my adventures of pregnancy and brand-new mother-hood, one crazy emotion at a time!! :) One day, I hope to share this wonderful testimony with the baby that my husband and I are patiently awaiting! Wether you are family, friends, or just a random person passing through, I hope you find joy and truth through these entries.

Finally, I would like to thank all of you for joining me through our journey! Enjoy!


  1. Corrine,

    Trent is so lucky to have such a wonderful Mom! The blog has brought me a great deal of joy and my family loves it too. Thank you for your kind words about my blog. I will be reading about "your Trent" every time you post!


  2. So excited to share the journey with you, Corrine...the ups, downs, ins, outs always with my heart full of love for you, Corrine Elizabeth!
