Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dinner at The Jolins #2

Today we went to talk to our landlord-to-be's about moving in on Sunday. Well, the current tennant is a little behind on packing, so we can't move in tomorrow. However, it is looking like we are still going to be able to move in at some point this week. Wednesday is the latest.. we hope. This apartment has been beyond stressful. The move-in date has changed countless times, there have been issues with the oil, miscommunications and contacting people has been beyond difficult. However, it seems like we are finally making some progress, which is a start! Cleaning needs to be done and the carpets need to be steamed.. but after that is done, we are bringing our stuff and calling it home!! :)

After we talked to them, we went to the Jolin Household (#2, since jeffrey and i are, of course, Jolin Household #1 :)) for dinner-- and it hit the spot! Pulled pork sandwiches with corn pudding and potatoe salad. Man, I could really go for some leftovers of that right about now!! Then Mama J made home-made cream puffs for dessert, which were absolutely amazing. I had 2 (Trent had 3 haha). Nan and Pop joined us for dinner as well, which is awesome because they are amazing company. Then after dinner we all played Apples to Apples and Nan won!! It was definitely an eventful evening :).

Now, Jeffrey and I are home, laptop in my hand and xbox controller in his. This seems to be our nightly ritual :). I love our life.. and the peace and quiet (aside from gunshots and zombie screms coming from the tv) we have at this moment since the house is empty!

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