So, ever since I was little and my father made me ride the run-away-train at 6 flags (which I cried after anyway so he would get me a stuffed animal.. oh goodness I am in for it with Trent!!), I have loved to ride roller coasters. Even though I am pregnant, that feeling has not subsided. I love the rush, the thrill, the height, the speed.. they are amazing!! And, after all, it is the summer, peak roller coaster riding time! Well, since I am pregnant, roller coasters are off limits.. which is one thing I am not happy about!! However, since God works in wonderful ways, He has given me my very own roller coaster.. it's called Emotions-O-Fun!! One moment I'm happy and smiling and so grateful for everything, but in a split-second I can break down and cry over something ridiculous! Or, completely fly off the handle when a simple conversation would have sufficed.
Now, I have always been a little on the sensitive side. It does not take much to hurt my feelings or make me upset. I have always wanted to make everyone happy and if someone found something in me they did not like, or if I did something unpleasing, it would impact me incredibly. However, I have always dealt with those feelings realtively well. Well.. not so much anymore. It takes one tiny action, word or look to get my blood boiling, one sappy song to get me bawling, and one act to get me annoyed beyond belief. Like I said in my previous post, my husband has been a God-send with dealing with me in all of my glory. I seriously do not know how he does it.. goodness I love that man! However, I am not sure how much more of this I can take! Dealing with my family has become a chore, greiving my once-size-4-body is upsetting, and not having our own "space" to run to is becoming more and more difficult.
On the positive side, I spoke with our soon-to-be landlords, and hopefully we will be in the apartment around the 17th.. so that is definitely a relief. It's time for Jeffrey and I to have our own life together, without having anyone else crowding our space or putting their two-cents in when I can barely deal with my own thoughts. We have our own family, and we need somewhere to nurture it.. a respectful environment that is SAFE. I'm definitely thinking we will need to celebrate that!! :) OH, and another positive for today: I went to the doctor again and heard Trent's heartbeat :). You know, sometimes I wish I had my own monitor to hear his heart at home.. I swear it would calm me down!!
Now,I recognize that being pregnant is not an excuse to get worked up, but it's still reality and I still don't know how to deal with it. If anyone has any ways they dealt with their emotions during pregnancy, I would LOVE some advice in this department!! Or, if anyone knows anyone who owns a spa.. that would be great too ;)
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