Sunday, July 18, 2010

Yes, I know, I am even MORE delayed than last time!! I absolutely set the bar too high when I said that I would post every day.. but hey, I'm only human right? Well, it's been 6 days since the last post, and I have a perfectly good explanation as to why it has taken me so long. The apartment, naturally, fell through. After being told we could move in last weekend, we packed up all of our stuff and anticipated the awaited "you are free to move!" phone call. However, that got delayed because the tennant fell behind on moving all of his things out.. which meant that the cleaning of the apartment couldn't take place until the middle of the week. So, we anxiously waited the phone call, completely willing to drop anything to move in.. until we didn't get a phone call. So on Thursday, Jeffrey called to see what, exactly, was going on, which was when we got the best news ever: "We were cleaning and there was an issue with the oil tanks and blah blah blah.. the apartment is inhabitable." Lovely! They didn't call us to let us know what was going on, we had to call them only to find out that we couldn't even move in! So, Jeffrey and I talked to the families and decided that we would move into my Faza's (father's) house over the weekend. So on Saturday we spent all day moving our stuff to and fro just to get situated. Now that it is Sunday, however, I must admit that it feels so nice to be settled in (and have central a/c in our bedroom!!) and comfortable. We actually had a great time moving everything because we had so much help-- even though I couldn't do much of anything.

Which brings me to the whole reason I have this blog: baby Trent!! There really aren't any new updates for the week.. not much has changed except for the fact that my belly is getting bigger and Trent is still moving around all the time. It still amazes me that I can feel so much, and that there is a whole new life growing inside of me that started so small and is now getting so big!! It's such an amazing experience! We were looking at more cribs and nursery furniture yesterday. I am in love with color espresso. I think we found the perfect set! And, thankfully, it matches the furniture we have in our room now, so if we still havn't found a new apartment by the time the baby comes, we will all be coordinated together :). At some point over the week, Jeffrey brough home little Timberland's for the baby. Which, of course, I fell in love with! They are black and red boots, adorable!! Soooo being the mommy, that got me into the baby shopping spirit and I went and got him some one-sies and pj's. They are so cute! I love little baby clothes and shoes and furniture! We have all of his stuff in a part of the basement downstairs and I am beyond excited with it all. It's just so awesome!! I love him so much already!!

I have to get a move-on over here.. we have some errands to run and spackling/painting/fan-installing to do. I promise I will be in touch!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Catch up!

So, I have already failed at posting every day, as I missed last night!! Let's see if we can recap the last two days in a semi-quickly manner.

Yesterday was a blast! Jeffrey and I slept in until 11:00, which was phenomenal, considering we are always up by 9 on the weekends. It felt so nice to get that much down time!! Right after we woke up, we both decided that pulled pork, creamed corn and potatoe salad were exactly what we needed.. so we headed right over to the Jolin #2 household for leftovers! :) Then, we decided we wanted to play mini-golf, so Jeffrey, Mama J, Papa J and I got into the car and drove to Pine Creek to play some hard-core mini-golf. I lost, naturally.. but I did make par on some of the holes!! It was so hot outside though, I almost forgot what it felt like to be in the sun for so long. My body clearly wasn't prepared for it, I did not feel good around hole 9.. but I made it!! I have to remember that I need to drink enough water for 2 people, not just for myself anymore! After we were done golfing, we stopped at the Cream King for some ice-cream/milkshakes. It was delicious!! I got some vanilla ice cream with cherry dipping shell on top, it completely hit the spot! We drove back to the Jolin #2 household and relaxed, I took a shower because I just felt gross, and then we got pizza and watched the movie She's Out Of Your League. It was absolutely hysterical! I reccommend it to anyone!! Excpet, maybe, kids under 14. :) Jeffrey and I left around 10:00, and when we got home we heard my cousin, Deonna Angelina, laughing in the kitchen-- so of course we had to stay up a little later and chat with her and my mom. Deonna and my aunt bought me a baby belly book, to journal in every week about the baby and a spot for belly pictures and ultrasound pictures and everything-- it is extremely cute!

As for today.. well, yesterday was much more eventful. Today, however, Trent was bopping around all day long! He's been kicking and twirling and rolling and all sorts of things. It's so cool to feel him!! I know I'm going to miss this after He is born, that is for sure. I feel so connected with him now. My boss and co-worker both weren't in the office today, so it was a very nice day. I caught up on the work I missed on Friday and even had time to catch up on the last episode of Drop Dead Diva and Army Wives. (Yes, even I have my "soap opera's" that I need to be updated on!!) Once work was over, I headed home to my husband-- and found him the pool with Deonna. They had such a blast-- just watching him with kids makes me smile. I can't wait for him to be a daddy.. he is going to do such an awesome job! I know I have been saying that I have been over-emotional and what-not.. but they are truly genuine emotions.. and when I see how excited we get whenever we start talking about the baby or when he sees my belly or plays games, it makes me fall in love with him all over again. I keep on visioning what they are going to do together.. all the adventures they will go on and how wonderful they will be together. It's just all so amazing. I know that God put me with the perfect man, and I couldn't ask for a better one.. Trent is one lucky boy!!

It's so strange. I have always known that I wanted a family and children and I always thought I would be such a great mom.. and now that it's actually here, well, almost here, I'm a little scared. While he is in my belly, I can protect him. As long as I keep myself healthy, then he is healthy. I can make sure he is safe and nourished and out of harms way. But he is only in this little bubble for 4 more months. What happens after that? What if I mess up? What if I'm not stern enough and I'm a door mat? What if I raise him the wrong way? What if he doesn't like me? What if I can't provide? All of these questions keep on running through my head and it's so overwhelming! I keep on thinking about the things Jeffrey and I put our parents through, and I don't want Trent to have to go through everything that we did. I want him to live this amazing life and not get hurt and just be happy all the time, which I know is unrealistic but hey, a mom can dream right? I know that Trent is a blessing and that God hand-picked me to be his mommy.. but it's so hard to know that I'm going to do the right thing and be a good mom. I just wish I had all the answers.

We spent the rest of the night with Deonna and the family. We ate dinner together, played games together, and even had ice cream sundaes!! Then, they started playing the xbox together, which was so much fun to watch!! I stole a picture when they weren't looking and attached it, it's adorable!! :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dinner at The Jolins #2

Today we went to talk to our landlord-to-be's about moving in on Sunday. Well, the current tennant is a little behind on packing, so we can't move in tomorrow. However, it is looking like we are still going to be able to move in at some point this week. Wednesday is the latest.. we hope. This apartment has been beyond stressful. The move-in date has changed countless times, there have been issues with the oil, miscommunications and contacting people has been beyond difficult. However, it seems like we are finally making some progress, which is a start! Cleaning needs to be done and the carpets need to be steamed.. but after that is done, we are bringing our stuff and calling it home!! :)

After we talked to them, we went to the Jolin Household (#2, since jeffrey and i are, of course, Jolin Household #1 :)) for dinner-- and it hit the spot! Pulled pork sandwiches with corn pudding and potatoe salad. Man, I could really go for some leftovers of that right about now!! Then Mama J made home-made cream puffs for dessert, which were absolutely amazing. I had 2 (Trent had 3 haha). Nan and Pop joined us for dinner as well, which is awesome because they are amazing company. Then after dinner we all played Apples to Apples and Nan won!! It was definitely an eventful evening :).

Now, Jeffrey and I are home, laptop in my hand and xbox controller in his. This seems to be our nightly ritual :). I love our life.. and the peace and quiet (aside from gunshots and zombie screms coming from the tv) we have at this moment since the house is empty!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Eventful :)

Explanation of pictures to follow :)

First and foremost, I would like to make a shout out to my dad: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :-D You are the best and I love you.
Now, onto my eventful day. I called out of work this morning because I wasn't feeling well, and my husband called out of work because he had sick time so he figured, why not. Therefore, we both did not get out of bed until 10:30. Based on what time we started to move, I thought that today was going to be a lazy day. Well, i was wrong.
To begin with, I made Jeffrey breakfast in bed. Yes, I spoil him. Yes, he is grateful. No, I will not be doing this the day after delivery. After he enjoyed his eggs and toast, I cleaned up and then looked around our room. That's when it dawned on me: why not pack? So, I began packing everything in sight. The end result? 10 boxes, 5 totes, and a pile of stuff that wouldn't fit it into either category. Trent was kicking the whole time-- I'm pretty sure he's excited to be moving too!! Which, by the way, is happening THIS SUNDAYYYY!!!! :-D (Party time?) After the packing was complete, I headed upstairs to find my mom and sister in the kitchen, laughing about premature ejaculation. (Now, if this sounds creepy, you clearly havn't spent any time with my family in coversation, or this would not surprise you.) So, Jeffrey and I joined in on the fun. We all helped with cooking Daddy's Birthday dinner (okay, we were entertainment while my mom cooked): meatloaf, baked mac n cheese and home-made ice cream cake. Then, I started working on an outline for a paper for a friend. For two hours. Then we had a dinner break. Well, during dinner, Leanne decided to throw biscuits at everyone instead of hand them like a normal human.. and somehow that led to her smacking Chris in the face with a buttered biscuit, butter-side up. This did not make Chris happy. Needless to say, Leanne ended up in the dog crate with a pot of ice-cold water dumped atop her. (This is not torture. Again, this is normal household festivities.. there is a ten dollar fee if you don't call before you come.) After this fiasco, Jeffrey and I headed back downstairs and I finished working on the paper.. another three hours. Yes, i'm a dedicated friend.
At some point during the day, I received the Old Navy Maternity clothes that I ordered a few days ago (which came surprisingly fast). When I ordered the clothes, I ordered pajamas for the baby-- I was so excited when i opened them!! I showed Jeffrey and he approves :)
I figured out how to post pictures, thanks to Courtney (check out her blog, it's a million times better than mine) and all her internet wisdom. I'd be lost without her. So, check em out!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Faza's for Dinner

Today was a seemingly boring day. Trent seemed to be pretty calm up until the afternoon-- then he started making his presence known. It's so awesome to feel him moving around in there.. I've so often compared him to a sock in a dryer because I always feel him tossing and turning. I kind of find it refreshing though, because as long as I can feel him I know that he is okay. He is going to be an active one just like his dad, that is for sure.

Jeffrey and I went to my faza's (that's corrine language for father) for dinner tonight. It was actually really nice. Anne made something like baked ziti except better. She gave us the recipe :). It was nice to see them and catch up. We were looking at some furniture for the apartment and found out that the current tennant is moving out THIS SATURDAY!!! WOOOOOO HOOOOOO. Now THAT is something to be thankful for! Courtney (my step sister) and I did our catching up via text message.. she needs to come home already. She hasn't really seen me since my tummy popped out! Maybe Jeffrey and I will take a trip up to Mass and visit her soon. That would be a nice get-away.

Well, I know that is seemingly boring.. but that is it for now. Stay tuned for more updates, complaints, stories and questions!! Hopefully soon I will have some pictures to add to these posts to make them a little more interesting. :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Rollercoaster Ride

So, ever since I was little and my father made me ride the run-away-train at 6 flags (which I cried after anyway so he would get me a stuffed animal.. oh goodness I am in for it with Trent!!), I have loved to ride roller coasters. Even though I am pregnant, that feeling has not subsided. I love the rush, the thrill, the height, the speed.. they are amazing!! And, after all, it is the summer, peak roller coaster riding time! Well, since I am pregnant, roller coasters are off limits.. which is one thing I am not happy about!! However, since God works in wonderful ways, He has given me my very own roller coaster.. it's called Emotions-O-Fun!! One moment I'm happy and smiling and so grateful for everything, but in a split-second I can break down and cry over something ridiculous! Or, completely fly off the handle when a simple conversation would have sufficed.

Now, I have always been a little on the sensitive side. It does not take much to hurt my feelings or make me upset. I have always wanted to make everyone happy and if someone found something in me they did not like, or if I did something unpleasing, it would impact me incredibly. However, I have always dealt with those feelings realtively well. Well.. not so much anymore. It takes one tiny action, word or look to get my blood boiling, one sappy song to get me bawling, and one act to get me annoyed beyond belief. Like I said in my previous post, my husband has been a God-send with dealing with me in all of my glory. I seriously do not know how he does it.. goodness I love that man! However, I am not sure how much more of this I can take! Dealing with my family has become a chore, greiving my once-size-4-body is upsetting, and not having our own "space" to run to is becoming more and more difficult.

On the positive side, I spoke with our soon-to-be landlords, and hopefully we will be in the apartment around the 17th.. so that is definitely a relief. It's time for Jeffrey and I to have our own life together, without having anyone else crowding our space or putting their two-cents in when I can barely deal with my own thoughts. We have our own family, and we need somewhere to nurture it.. a respectful environment that is SAFE. I'm definitely thinking we will need to celebrate that!! :) OH, and another positive for today: I went to the doctor again and heard Trent's heartbeat :). You know, sometimes I wish I had my own monitor to hear his heart at home.. I swear it would calm me down!!

Now,I recognize that being pregnant is not an excuse to get worked up, but it's still reality and I still don't know how to deal with it. If anyone has any ways they dealt with their emotions during pregnancy, I would LOVE some advice in this department!! Or, if anyone knows anyone who owns a spa.. that would be great too ;)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

From Nap Time to My Awesome Husband

Everyone kept on telling me that the nausea feeling would pass and that the second trimester would be cake.. that I would feel energized and sexy and all the perks that come with pergnancy. Although I love my belly (and I am trying hard to love the rest of my body), this trimester has not been quite the energy boost I had expected. It seems as though I am exhausted by 2:00 p.m. every day even though I get enough sleep at night! Now, I love nap times, but I feel so lazy taking a nap every day. My husband has been (still!) amazing with how I'm feeling and allowing me the time I need to take care of my sleepiness..

..actually, I'm not sure how he puts up with me sometimes. This whole raging hormone thing can be extremely positive (and don't we LOVE that!! :)) or it can send me through the roof! I'm trying my best to tame my new emotions, but it is proving to be quite difficult. I thank God every day for Jeffrey and his patience!!

Speaking of my husband, as I have said before, he is so anxious and excited about the baby. He called earlier today while he was at work so excited because he picked "something awesome up for the baby!!". So, I come home, and what do i see but a motorized scooter-motorcycle sitting in our bedroom!! He cracks me up!! The label says no-one under 12 should ride it.. but he thinks our "Super Baby" can ride it when he turns 1!! We'll see how he feels when little Trent pops out and he sees just how precious he really is!! :)

I suppose that is all for now.. if anyone has any advice on how to cure the sleepies, feel free to comment.. until next time!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Ultra Sound

For those of you who don't know, the first trimester of my pregnancy was not fun at ALL. However, everyone kept on telling me that would pass and sure enough, it did!! I'm now at 5 months and I feel wonderful (aside from the face breaking out and jiggly thighs, that is!!).

This past Thursday, July 1st, Jeffrey (my husband) and I went to get the first official ultra sound. It was so much fun! Of course, Jeffrey and I are not the most patient people in the world, so when my appointment was at 2 and I didn't go back until 3 we were beyond anxious, but the wait was well worth it! The doctor showed us every part of our baby, his arms, face, legs, little hands and feet, belly, heart, and then finally, what we were all waiting for.. the penis!! Yes, she pointed out the baby's penis and Jeffrey was estatic! Everyone knows that ever since I found out about the baby, Jeffrey has sworn up and down that it's a baby boy kicking in there-- he has spoken to my belly as "Trent Michael" ever since day 1-- and he was right! The funniest part about it is that I'm always saying how active Trent is in my belly.. he's always twirling and kicking and tumbling.. and no-one believed me! That is, until we got the ultra sound and the doctor had to jump around all over my belly just to keep track of him :).

As soon as we let the grandparents know that Trent Michael would be entering the world on November 26th, we let the rest of the world know. It was such an exciting and eventful day, and it made it so much more real. I still find it so hard to believe that there is a whole life being molded inside of my belly every single day. It's such a gift! We can't wait to meet him!

I tried to attach the ultra sound pictures of our little boy, but because it was scanned in it won't let me go through with it (for now.. until I figure it out haha) but the first one is of his face, you can see the eyes, nose and mouth and even his tummy. The second one is, naturally, of his penis! It's facing downwards, there is an arrow pointing to it and everything, how funny!!

Welcome!! :)

Hey all! So, this is the first blog that I have ever done.. and I am sure that that will become more and more evident as I continue to post new entries. However, I will certainly try my best to keep this entertaining, updating and real.

Recently, a friend of mine showed me a blog she started back in 2007 when she was pregnant with her first child. She tracked monumental moments in her pregnancy, her feelings, pictures and many other elements of her life. Once the baby was born, her blog quickly filled with details of her new son's life and all of the new discoveries they were making together. The pictures and stories made me laugh out loud, giggle, smile and even sometimes cry. After reading through the first year, I became inspired to begin a blog of my own. My hope is that this blog will help me track through my adventures of pregnancy and brand-new mother-hood, one crazy emotion at a time!! :) One day, I hope to share this wonderful testimony with the baby that my husband and I are patiently awaiting! Wether you are family, friends, or just a random person passing through, I hope you find joy and truth through these entries.

Finally, I would like to thank all of you for joining me through our journey! Enjoy!